Thursday, January 27, 2011

Challange & Accomplishments of Cameron Eating

It has always been a challange to get Cameron to accept different textured foods, We were told early on that Eating will be a struggle and to take things slow with Cameron and to follow his lead.
 We always made sure that Cameron got enough calories thru his bottle, but when it came to baby food, well take it nice & slow...don't push the subject. Introduce Cameron to stage One foods, and see how it goes. He didn't like them...he just wasn't interested. So we just kept going with his fortified bottles. Eventually it just wasn't enough, so we tried stage Two foods, he tolorated them better as long as we whipped them up in a bowl and made sure they were at a silky smooth consistency. Once we did that for him he chowed them down like there was no tomorrow!
Some days of course were better then others, somedays he would gag on the littlest thing, which would end up a big mess, he would gag so bad that he would throw up.

Do you give up after a gag/throw up session? we didn't, we would clean Cameron up and and calm him down and start all over. You can push the subject, but you can't give up either!
My dad would always say, "if you fall off your bike, are you just gonna walk away and never ride it again?"  Maybe the best advice my dad ever gave me growing up.
                  You can't give just gotta TRY TRY TRY Again!
So we went grocery shopping one friday night, they didn't have any high calorie stage Two foods, I paniced, what should I do I asked my husband. He says "I don't know, But we gotta find some high calorie stage two foods". Well we didn't so I just grabbed some beach nut stage Three foods.. I figured I could just whip them really well and try that.
Cameron LOVED the stage Three foods, different flavors, different textures, and still high calories. It was a win win situation!
Over the next couple weeks I would whip up his food, making it smooth. He did great, so then I thought well lets try not mixing the food to make it smooth. At first Cameron wasn't to sure about it. Now he absolutely LOVES it. His favorite breakfast is Rolled Oatmeal & pairs, Favorite fruit is mixed fruit and his favorite lunch/supper is Chicken, Veggies mixed with tiny stars. He cant't get enough of it.
on a normal day Cameron will have about 1,000-1,400 calories (that is six 7 ounce bottles & 7 jars of food) and somedays he wants more.

Recently we decided to mash up who;e bananas and try feeding them to Cameron, we are so thrilled to see how well he has taken to "real" food.
 I can't feed it to him fast enough..he sits in his highchair with his mouth wide open. I love that Cameron is really taken to adult kind of food, bananas, white cheddar mashed potatoes, cottage cheese & Orange Cream yogurt.
We are finally moving forward with Cameron on food, we just keep trying and not being to pushy..he lets us know when he is ready!.

Cameron's mashed up Bananas & chicken with Stars jarred food

No Cameron your firetruck cannot drive thru your bananas
Look mom--I'm trying to be a big boy!

Messy face ;-)

attempting to eat his banana

um, What am I suppose to do with this?

Cameron ate his chicken & stars-- this is his smashed bananas

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